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  • 04-13
    Structural Principle of Gas Solenoid Valve Packing Tower Packed tower is a mass transfer equipment in which the packing in the tower is used as the contact member between gas and liquid phases. The tower body of the packed tower is a straight vertical cylin···
  • 04-13
    The development history of solenoid valve In the 1940s, the solenoid valve was not called a solenoid valve but a refrigerator. This is a product of an automation research project. This is the original shape of the solenoid valve we use now. W···
  • 03-30
    What should be paid attention to when using solenoid valve What should be paid attention to when using solenoid valve:1. Check1. Whether the power supply and voltage match2. Does the pressure match?3. Whether the thread of the pipe matches2. Gas solenoid valv···
  • 03-28
    Application and Research of Floating Ball Level Gauge In the current energy field, when people are dealing with various energy sources, various instruments are indispensable, such as a magnetic turning column level gauge and a float level gauge. For exam···
  • 03-22
    Main features of solenoid valve Main features of solenoid valve   1. External leakage is blocked, internal leakage is easy to control, and safe to use. Internal and external leakage is an element that endangers safety. Other autom···
  • 03-21
    Product features of orifice flowmeter The orifice flowmeter is a high-range ratio differential pressure flow device composed of a standard orifice plate and a multi-parameter differential pressure transmitter (or differential pressure tra···
  • 03-15
    Application field of solenoid valve Solenoid valves can be used not only in pneumatic systems, but also in the same or similar applications in hydraulic and hydraulic systems, such as low-power non-oil-supply small electromagnetic direc···
  • 03-14
    Overview of Quartz Tube Level Gauge Overview of Quartz Tube Level Gauge   UGS (UNS) series of color quartz tube level gauges (hereinafter referred to as color level gauges) are developed using new technologies at home and abroad. The ···
  • 03-08
    Solenoid valve power and precision control first.Solenoid valve power supply conditions1. According to the type of power supply, select AC and DC solenoid valves respectively. Generally speaking, AC power is easy to access.2. For voltage speci···
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